
8 Signs You’re Not Getting Enough Protein

Protein Deficiency Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore

Protein is an essential nutrient that plays a vital role in various bodily functions. It helps build and repair tissues, muscles, enzymes, and hormones. However, not getting enough protein can lead to a condition known as protein deficiency or hypoproteinemia. This article will discuss the telltale signs and symptoms of protein deficiency, which you shouldn’t ignore.

Are you experiencing swelling, mood changes, or hair loss? These could be warning signs that you’re not getting enough protein. Protein deficiency may seem rare in developed countries, but certain groups are at higher risk, including the elderly, athletes, pregnant women, and those following restrictive diets.

Even if you don’t have true deficiency, a lower-than-recommended protein intake can still cause subtle changes in your body over time. Here are eight unmistakable symptoms that may indicate you need to increase your protein consumption:

1. Swelling or Edema

Swelling or Edema

One of the most common signs of protein deficiency is swelling or edema, especially in the abdomen, legs, feet, and hands. This happens because proteins help prevent fluid buildup in tissues.

2. Mood Changes

Mood Changes Proteins

Proteins are involved in the production of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. A lack of these brain chemicals can lead to mood changes, such as depression, anxiety, or aggression.

3. Hair, Nail, and Skin Issues

Hair, Nail, and Skin Issues

Since hair, nails, and skin are made of proteins like keratin and collagen, a deficiency can cause dry skin, brittle nails, and thinning hair.

4. Weakness and Fatigue

Weakness and Fatigue

When you don’t get enough protein, your body breaks down muscle for fuel, causing weakness, fatigue, and eventual muscle wasting.

5. Constant Hunger

Constant Hunger Protein

Protein is known to promote feelings of fullness and satiety. Constantly feeling hungry may be a sign that you need more protein in your diet.

6. Slow Healing

 Slow Healing

Proteins are essential for blood clotting and tissue repair. Cuts, bruises, and injuries may take longer to heal with low protein intake.

7. Frequent Illnesses

Frequent Illnesses Protein deficiency

Protein deficiency can impair your immune system, making you more susceptible to infections and viruses.

8. Greater Bone Fracture Risk

Greater Bone Fracture Risk

Not getting enough protein can weaken bones over time and increase the risk of fractures, especially as you age.

If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s essential to increase your protein intake. Most adults need at least 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily. However, athletes and older adults may require even more.

Incorporate protein-rich foods like lean meats, eggs, dairy, beans, and lentils into your diet. Don’t ignore these signs from your body – fuel up on protein to maintain optimal health and prevent potential complications.


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Written by Rylan Santos

Full-Stack Web Developer, Digital Marketing, and E-Business Builder.

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